Titoli di viaggio 1912
Travel tickets 1912

The new century seen remarkable changes in the management of urban transport: in January 1906 it was prepared the new Convention for the management of the municipal network service between the City of Florence and the “Company of the Florentines tramcar for the exercise of new lines “(an international company known as the” Belgian “), together the City of Florence established to replace the omnibus lines with tram lines and, under the pressure of increasing social demands, reduced tickets were issued for the workers.

1902 - Pianta della città con i percorsi della tranvia ippotrainata
1902 – City map with the routes of the tramway ippotrainata
1910 - Sesto Fiorentino, Piazza Ginori capolinea della tranvia per Firenze
In 1910 – Sesto Fiorentino, Piazza Ginori terminus of the tramway for Florence
1920 - Sala di aspetto.
1920 – Waiting room.
1939 - Tram al deposito delle Cure
1939 – Tram at the Cure store

Interno della vettura
The car interior

Titoli di viaggio 1932
Travel tickets 1932

1938 - Sistemazione delle rotaie in Piazza Stazione
1938 – Construction of rails in Piazza Stazione

Meanwhile the Italian automotive industry was growing and would soon become protagonist of public transport: in 1913 it was set up on an experimental basis a bus service between Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and Viale Petrarca. At the end of the First World War it was born the SITA (Italian Society of Automobile Transport), a branch of Fiat, which the town will turn finally putting in crisis the “Belgian Society”.

1938 - Autobus FIAT 635 RNL con motore a gasolio
1938 – Buses FIAT 635 GNI with diesel engine

1935 Municipality and Fiat are jointly the STU (Urban Tram Service) which takes all the concessions of the Florence transportation lines. The new company continues the strengthening and expansion of communication lines up to stall during the years of World War II.

1938 - Piazza del Duomo, inaugurazione della linea di filobus, il n.7, per Fiesole
1938 – Piazza del Duomo, inauguration of trolleybus line, the n.7 to Fiesole

1943 - Tram al capolinea in via De' Pecori
1943 – Tram at the last stop in Via De ‘Pecori


[cml_media_alt id='810']alessandro-ferrini[/cml_media_alt]
Alessandro Ferrini
Public transport in Florence from the nine hundred century to 1945

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