Omnibus della linea piazza Signoria-Ponte Rosso alla fermata di piazza Cavour
Omnibus line Square Signoria-Ponte Rosso off at Cavour Square (Now Liberty Square)

1865 is the year of the transfer of the capital from Turin to Florence; in May of that year, the Florentine Municipality signed an agreement with the brothers Monari Bologna for granting the urban omnibus service. So from June 1, from eight in the morning until ten in the evening starts the comings and goings of carriages from Piazza Signoria to the various ports (St. Gallen, Cross, Lawn, Romana, San Nicholas), the price of travel 10 cents.

1884 Piazza Cavour, progetto del capolinea della tranvia Firenze - San Domenico
1884 Piazza Cavour, the project of the terminus of the tramway in Florence – San Domenico

In 1879 it forms the Company of Tramways Fiorentini starting a Toy Collection tram service: first comes Florence – Peretola.

1890 - Via de' Pecori capolinea del servizio per Sesto Fiorentino e Cascine
1890 – Via de ‘Pecori terminus of Sesto Fiorentino and service Cascine

1895 - Vettura su rotaie trainata da cavalli in procinto di attraversare Ponte alle Grazie
1895 – Car on rails pulled by horses about to cross Ponte alle Grazie

The use of horse-drawn carriages that run on rails by horses is soon joined, especially in suburban routes, from the steam engine that makes its appearance in 1880 on the lines to Poggio a Caiano, San Domenico, Signa, San Casciano and Greve.

Piazza Santa Maria Novella -Capolinea_s della tramvia a vapore per Campi (fine Ottocento
Piazza Santa Maria Novella -Capolinea of the steam tramway for fields (late nineteenth century)

1894 - vettura a
1894 – car to “giardinetta”

The last decade of the century saw the advent of electric traction, the first tram linked Florence to San Domenico and Fiesole, was September 19, 1890.

1895 - Tram n.9 a San Domenico
1895 – Tram n.9 in San Domenico

Deposito delle Cure sede della centrale elettrica a carbone che sviluppava l'energia necessaria ad alimentare la rete tramviria (il camino misurava 55 m)
Storage of Cures seat of power station coal which developed the energy needed to power the tram network (the fireplace measuring 55 m)

Storage of Cures seat of power station coal which developed the energy needed to power the tram network (the fireplace measuring 55 m)

reference text for images and news: Ceparatti, Malaspina 1865-1985 one hundred and twenty years of public transport in Florence, Calosci, Cortona 1987

[cml_media_alt id='810']alessandro-ferrini[/cml_media_alt]
Alessandro Ferrini
Public transport in Florence at the end of the eight hundred

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