1953 - Tram in Piazza Stazione
1953 – Tram station in Piazza

The big push to the reconstruction that characterized the years immediately after the war and the desire to restore the country’s infrastructure destroyed gave new impetus to urban transport.

In 1945, the City Council established a new society for the management of services, the ATAF, which is dedicated to the restoration and reconstruction of the facilities.

1 aprile 1951 si inaugura la linea filoviaria
April 1, 1951 will be inaugurated the trolleybus line “L” from the station to Via Carlo del Prete (industrial area)

1952 - Filobus Viberti sulla Bolognese nuova
1952 – Trolleybus Viberti on new Bolognese
1953 - Piazzale Michelangelo autobus Alfa Romeo carrozzato Garavini
1953 – Piazzale Michelangelo buses Alfa Romeo bodywork Garavini
1958 - Filobus in Piazza San Marco diretto a Fiesole
1958 – Trolleybus in Piazza San Marco to Fiesole

From 1950 to 1954 it provides to improve and extend the urban network and start the gradual modernization of vehicles beginning the gradual replacement of rail vehicles to those of rubber.

1 ottobre 1957
Public transport: October 1, 1957

1983 - Bipiano Aerfer della linea 9 per l'Isolotto
1983 – Bipiano Aerfer line 9 for Islet

In 1983, the operating length of the network is of 723 km out of which 276 urban and suburban 447, the overall lines are 61 and the number of employees 524 vehicles.

1983 - Piazza Stazione, autobus Breda della linea 31 diretto a Grassina
1983 – Square Station, Breda bus 31 direct line in Grassina

In 1985 it was planned to build two metro lines of surface along two main lines totaling 25 km: Bagno a Ripoli – Sesto Fiorentino and Scandicci – Careggi. We are still waiting to be completed.

Titoli di viaggio in uso fra il 1947 e il 1953
Securities travel in use between 1947 and 1953


[cml_media_alt id='810']alessandro-ferrini[/cml_media_alt]
Alessandro Ferrini
Public transport in Florence since the war to the eighties

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