[cml_media_alt id='702']targa-terzina-dantesca[/cml_media_alt]
Triplet Divine Comedy. Dante

There is a special route through Florence, a path that not only make you see Florence will take you to hell, purgatory and paradise later. These are the plates with the triplets of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Hell are 9, 5 of Purgatory and Heaven 20 for a total of 34 plates.

This idea matured between 1900 and 1907 in a combination of the Florentine commune and a Dantists Committee of high level, as Isidoro del Lungo and Piero Torrigiani. The idea was to identify the Divine Comedy the verses they possessed a connection to Florence, characters, places, works of art. Then try a pairing between the triplet and a mural point to Florence where to make them visible on marble. A route that linked Florence and The Divine Comedy. In seven years the purpose was accomplished.

In 2011 the students of the seventh grade of Poliziano Florence School had the great idea to place on Google Earth images of these plates allowing to follow the digital trail through the streets of Florence; an idea which earned him the award Marzocco.

I propose a tour to Florence in search of the triplets of Dante, I’ll point the place, but not the exact position, leaving the taste to find them with a small visual field research. Organize yourself well, with comfortable shoes and can also spostavi with half, private or public, as they range in various areas of Florence, from the center to the periphery.

The proposed route is based on the linear reduction in travel and not on the triptych division Dante. In some places the plates are more than one.

Piazza San Salvi

  • Purgatorio Canto XXIV, vv. 82-87, dedicati ad un Donati Corso

Via di San Salvatore al Monte

Piazza Piave, nella torre della Zecca Vecchia

  • Purgatorio Canto XIV, vv. 16-18, ritorna il fiume Arno nella penna del poeta

Route map 1

The second path from the Old Mint tower innoltra downtown. Are 37 minutes walk, about 3 Km.

Borgo dei Greci

Via del Proconsolo

Piazza Duomo

Since we are in the area you can deviate slightly in the square of the bullets to see the Dante stone.

Via Martelli

Via dei Cerretani

Via Tornabuoni

  • Inferno Canto XVII, vv. 58-60, dedicata alla famiglia Gianfigliazzi

Borgo Santi Apostoli

Ponte Vecchio

Route map 2

The third route starting from the Old Bridge continues in the center. Are 20 minutes walk, about 2 Km.

Via Por Santa Maria

Via Lamberti

Via degli Speziali

Via delle Oche

  • Canto XVI, vv. 85-87, dedicati ai dignitari fiorentini
  • Canto XVI, vv. 112-114, dedicati ai Visdomini
  • Canto XVI, VV. 115-117, famiglia Adimari

Via del Corso:

Via Dante Alighieri

Via Calzaiuoli

Via dei Cerchi

  • Canto XVI, vv. 127-128 e vv. 130-132, famiglia dei Della Bella

Via dei Tavolini

Palazzo Vecchio

[cml_media_alt id='760']terzina[/cml_media_alt]
Canto XV, vv. 109-110, sulla famiglia degli Uberti fornita da Giovanni Marano

Route map 3

Jacopo Cioni

[cml_media_alt id='32']Jacopo Cioni[/cml_media_alt]




Plaques and triplets Dante: TOUR

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